Friday 4 November 2011

Update Time

So, i have been working on the project for awhile now, has been going a bit slowly due to interviews, helping my cousin on his game and getting a new job, which i start in a week or so, super excited about.

The staduim is coming along nicely added some more bits and bobs polished some uv maps and textures. Still not overly happy with some bits and i feel in areas it looks a bit bland. Needs a bit more energy and buzz around it. Flashing lights, more props and crowd would probably help but, that may take awhile to do, lol. Think it needs some lens flare...

But, i do feel it needs to be turned up a bit, overall i think it looks ok, but i want it to look like the sort of stuff you may see in a sort kinect sports game, which at the moment is not near i feel. More research is definatly needed and advice from others may push it somewhere i cannot see at the moment.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Handball Update

Whilst waiting to hear back from a few interviews and having interviews this week, work has been a bit slow on the stadium. I am also helping my cousin ou on a iPhone game that is cool, i am working on the assets of the game and then some logos, updates etc.

Its a bit different and exciting to see how it does and i feel its very unique.

Well i got a few pictures below of the stadium got some material glitches and weird artifacts but have started on the second level of seating. Then it will be the roof which will be open plan so you can see the stars!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Handball Stadium - Its been awhile

So i have finished my contract at Rare, which was a great experience will talk more about it at a later date. The main reason i am on here is to show my latest personal project a nice futuristic stadium, its suppose to be a sort of stadium that the creatures from the film space jam will play in, but not basketball. Good old handball, i chose this as most sports already have a video game and handball only crops up occasionally in olympic games.

Still along way to go...

Friday 22 July 2011

95% done

Hey all i feel this project is coming too a near end with the majority of it now done. Worked again on some of the lighting and also the materials and added the slabs on the floor!

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Nearly There...

Well, after the anger of losing all my work it actually didn't take too long to get everything back into UDK, just happy my lights stayed in there.

As i had to reimport i thought it would be a good time to sort out the scale of some of the objects, especially the buildings. The reflective floor gave me a bit of hassle to redo, but it is nearly there, i am thinking i should have vertex painted some of it. I feel the rain also could do with having a few more drops.

Lighting i feel is a big improvement and talking to some people the lanterns need some work to them, either via being transparent and a seperate model in them, a more prominent emissive map and brightening up.

Feel the tree has come a long way as well and is nearly there.

Picture time!

Friday 15 July 2011

Oh well... I need a drink

Well that error i got in udk apparently no one knows how to fix... So, i have started to reimport everything again. Got the textures in so far, i am just greatful my lights are still in the scene as that is the lengthy process of it all.

In the meantime i am learning a lot at Rare and putting that into practise, this is just a small prop of a water bottle i have done for a personal project i have started in my lunch times the aim is to get one prop done in an hour or so.

But this weekend is going to be unproductive, its my brothers stag do and i am the best man so i have been sorting that out and my speech which is going well. Needs a lot of ironing though!

Friday 8 July 2011

A bit of progression

I got some great feedback on the Polycount forum from some people that their work is an inspiration to me, which was really great. Especially those that are in the field that i want to push my knowledge in (lighting).

The areas that they said need improvement was the background and some of the other props, i am still working on the scale of the buildings and need to start the dragon at somepoint. I feel the tree is a big improvement which i redid completly and tried doing it in a new way.

Things i want to sort out include the lighting from the dojo warmer colours, positioning of some objects and get those slabs on the floor as i feel they will really help fill up some of the space on the floor!

Monday 4 July 2011

Little update!

Not much more done over the weekend was travelling back up to Birmingham and seeing friends and family!

But this is what i have achieved so far within udk, havent started any post processing yet want to do as much as i can with the lights etc. Also added some place holder models and worked a bit more on the tree and some of the materials.

Saturday 2 July 2011


Well, the past week or so i have been away for a holiday, with my girlfriend for our 3 year celebration stayed in a great resort in Turkey called Club Blue Dreams. We did have a nice visit to the hospital though when my girlfriend split her leg open in the sea and All Inclusive is the way forard when going on holiday, a nice cold beer whenever you want it. I didn't take my laptop but had paper and pen and sketched some drawings down for my next project, which is a lot bigger than anything i have done before and i am really excited to start it. Not going to reveal anything just yet on that, but it has given me the motivation with the japanese environment i have been working on. Some people on Polycount gave me some great crits on the piece that they think need doing. They all addressed the image ratio i am working with, which is something i am testing out (the best way to do it).

Major changes on this update is the ground, the tree and some of the lighting. Defiantly a pus in the right direction, its getting their, main objectives now are the stone lantern, dragon on the building, variation in the wood and softer shadows that i have just found out how to do!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Secretworld Environment

Well, i found some sweet art for a game called secretworld and had to do some of the environments from it. The image below is of an early lighting test i have done and first pass on textures. But i am really starting to love the unreal engine and the possibilites of it. The one area i really want to understand is the material editor getting things such as reflections etc but i will also post on here the concept art as well. One thing i have noticed is that mine looks stretched, but this can be fixed later on, it may also be due to the different image ratios i have got! The concept is next to it.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Getting close

Well, another small update, as well as this i have started the second environment i want to work on, based off of secretworld. Why? As, i am staring at that other project too long and sometimes you need a break from one thing to see mistakes etc.

But yeah added base textures to all objects in their need a grunge/dirt pass and clean ups, normal maps and a few more things going on in the buildings. Sort out reflections and post process. The tree needs love as well.

Got some heavy post processing here a noise material and vignette simple stuff in udk's post processing!

Thursday 12 May 2011

Shield Modelling Done

Pretty much happy with this need to do some tweaking to the back as ther isn't much going on their Somewhere for a character to actually hold it, got a mixed response on a forum i use. Bakes came out fairly nice as well.

Monday 9 May 2011


Not much going on, at the moment. Time is spent at work, tidying my studio flat up and going to the gym. Need to get in shape for the summer, my brothers wedding and got to look my best and fit in that suit So just playing around in maya at the moment creating this sort of shield bit over the top in terms of use. But yeah, the environment is also going well just been tweaking sea shaders, lighting and a few textures, should be done in the next two weeks!

But here is a lil image of the shield thing. Going to take this bad boy in to zbrush soon!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Latest personal work

Here are the images so far. One with that is the original from udk the other a paintover in photoshop of where i want it to go!

Check list;
Sun flare
Light shafts
Plant hangings?!
Fine tune textures
Optimize everything
Post processing!

Friday 1 April 2011

Concepts for Brawl

Concept of a barrier I am working on, this is the first time i have truly gone in to photoshop and concepted something, i normally just have loads of bits of paper lying around near me, but thought what the heck why not give it a go. The other image is of a floor with basic colour map. I am not to sure which direction i want to take it, typical next gen grunge or nice and clean? Decisions, maybe a bit of both near grunge, lol.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

New Job

Well, i apologise another long time with updating this is mainly because i will be moving up to Birmingham for a new job! I will also be working on a film in my own time with some of the old college boys i will be a sort of technical artist, which i will enjoy as i love learning new things. Whilst that is still going i love a good challenge and i am thinking of adapting this image in some way for an online competition. It's from a game called Burning Rivals apparently it was real bad.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Something a bit sweet!

Well, it has been a while now since i last updated this, the majority of the reason is that i have a new job at PrimeFocus in London, so that is cool! Really have been enjoying my time their and they have some amazing work going on right now.

As for me, i kinda stopped the harbour town it had invested way too much time, so i have given myself a new task, which is to create a new small piece every week and then the following month work on something a bit bigger!

But my mine task is to understand the shaders in maya a bit better and what i should be using for different materials etc.

So, the image below is of some chocolate. It still has a bit of a way to go especially in variation of the chocolate as they all look the same at the moment, but this shouldnt be too difficult to do. I am using a simple miss shader in maya, and playing with the settings it provides. This is just a simple colour pass with no AO etc going on! That is another thing i want to achieve to make realistic rendering before the AO goes on as it will just push it even more, there isnt any shadows as of yet but i am working on it! Also, i think the chocolate is a bit too patchy at the moment and the cadbury logo is a bit too dark as well and maybe a bit more bump?!

Thursday 6 January 2011

A tiny update before the weekend!

Well i have two new images with a bit more texturing in them not much! I am starting to think of how to add more detail in to certain areas this may be a case of modelling extra detail or going hard in to the texturing, it will prob end up being a bit of both!

Wednesday 5 January 2011

A lil bit more... And 3D artist is out!

Well, i have been in talks with a few companies for work and seeing what happens there had a few that say yes and then hold back for a while, but i am confident something will happen. Looking forward to my trial day that is coming up!

The new issue of 3D artist is out with my work in it, will be picking up my copy tomorrow and seeing how it looks, hopefully i got a good spot! I am really excited about this and hope that it will be good for me to have it in!

With the harbour i am starting to really love game engines just to show off my work! I still havent got to grips with the AO, but for now i am really pleased and i have a new way of working within it that is more efficent for me, nearly every asset that i have put in has been textured to some degree (first pass) so below is the latest!

Tuesday 4 January 2011

New Year

Well, i havent been able to do much since christmas as i have been a bit busy with christmas, family coming over and youth group things. The youth group went away for new years eve 30th to the 2nd and i was in charge of all the food and the kitchen for 60 people, i enjoyed the roll and felt i served in a different way to normal, as i am normally entertaining the children we have.

But, i am still getting on with the project and below is a screenshot of the work its getting there and i am learning new things everytime i open up udk. I got a trial day on friday at primefocus in london so hopefully something good will come out of that.